In July our lab was awarded a 1-year NIH-funded OCRID Pilot Project Award to advance our research into mechanisms of P. aeruginosa biofilm formation. PhD student Somalisa Pan is taking the lead, joined by Julia Terrell whenever she is available.

Sarah Winburn gets a "hat trick" with a 3rd-place win among undergraduate posters in the Microbiology and Molecular Genetics Symposium. Julia Terrell does it too, along with Somalisa Pan--they take second in the undergrad poster competition! Well done! Plus Jake Osborne takes 2nd prize for his poster at the Wentz Research Symposium.

Our lab is proud of Nina Baggett and Adam Bronson, both of whom won this most selective designation for 2019-2020. The scholarships will support their research throughout summer 2019 and for the subsequent academic year.

Our very own Samantha Shafer was selected as an OSU representative at Research Day at the Capitol in OKC, where she had the opportunity to present her research to our state lawmakers and raise the profile of research at OSU.

The Microbiology and Molecular Genetics Symposium was held on Friday, April 20, 2018 in the Student Union. About 30 students in the department presented posters at the symposium and were judged by faculty and graduate students. At the poster awards, our students Sarah Winburn and Chris Hamm took top honors for their poster on B. subtilis stress responses and survival, and Julia Terrell took second prize for her poster on PtsN function in P. aeruginosaIt should be noted that these students were first-time presenters---making it look easy, guys!

We are proud to announce that Sam Shafer, Sid Bush, Julia Terrell, and Jake Osborne are all recipients of competitive 2018-2019 Wentz Research Grants from OSU. Congratulations to Sam, Sid, Julia, and Jake, and we're looking forward to great research during their Wentz tenure!


We have produced a video in collaboration with Rich Losick of Harvard University to illustrate the microfluidic platform upon which much of our B. subtilis research is based. The Journal of Visualized Experiments was created to provide peer-reviewed protocols in concert with professionally produced videos that illustrate complex scientific methods across a number of disciplines.

We are happy to announce that Chris Hamm, Sam Shafer, Kate Smith, and Sarah Winburn have joined the Cabeen lab for the Spring 2018 semester, joining our existing group of outstanding student researchers. Welcome aboard!


We are pleased to announce new research that was recently published by Dr. Cabeen in the open-access journal PLoS Genetics. This publication forms the basis for future work using microfluidic technology to observe the stress responses of Bacillus subtilis cells when subjected to different stress conditions.

Read the paper here.

News article at the Harvard Molecular & Cellular Biology departmental website.