Fun Stuff

We like to work hard in lab, but our crew also knows how to have fun--don't we?

The OG Ca"been" Crew visits the Bean (and other Chicago sites), September 2024. Recent PhD grad Dr. Somalisa Pan goes to Chicago for her postdoc and meets up with former undergraduates Adam Bronson (now at Loyola University Chicago, MD-PhD) and Nina Baggett (now at UT-Southwestern, PhD).

Cabeen crew visits the Bean

Undergrads from the lab (Ashley Jackson, Will Stewart, Olivia Morgan, Adriahna Blackburn) present at the OSU Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 16, 2024.

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The mini-crew on our trip to the ASM Missouri Valley regional meeting in Omaha, NE, Mar 8-9, 2024



2023 lab holiday party! Big thanks to PhD student Autumn Hansen for putting it all together.

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Not everyone in the lab could make it this year. Pictured: (back row) Adriahna, Ren, Soma, Jesna, Niloy. (front row) Autumn, Olivia, Matt.

May 2023: end-of-semester farewell party (picture includes spouses and children)

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2022 lab holiday party!

2022 Christmas part

Fall 2022: Dr. Simon Underhill farewell party


Fall 2022: lab tailgate and reunion

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Spring 2020: The lab

2020 Lab 01

I think it's become sort of a lab tradition for PhD students to carry undergraduates on their backs. Maybe figuratively AND literally??

2020 Lab 02

We tried to take a picture where we were all airborne. This turned out to be non-trivial.

2020 Lab 03

2020 Lab 04

What else do we do besides stand there and be really, really, ridiculously good looking?

Summer 2019 Neapolitan Pizza Series

The Summer Crew has been getting together on Friday evenings to enjoy Neapolitan-style pizza at the Cabeens' place. We've been experimenting with different toppings: can you see the Chick-Fil-A pizza and the s'mores pizza (that one was initially a burnt failure--the secret is to prebake the dough, turn the oven off, and then brown the marshmallow with residual heat). We've also had cheeseburger pizza, chicken alfredo pizza, mac'n'cheese-and-tater-tot pizza, and plenty of traditional pizza margherita. We make probably 15-20 pizzas every week!

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Sam, Sarah, Nina, and special guest Josie with the s'mores pizza

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It tasted pretty amazing!

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A chicken alfredo pizza.

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Games, kids, pizza, science friends--what could be better?

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We take to the outdoors when it's "only" in the 90s!

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This delicious thing is the elusive Chick-Fil-A pizza.

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Lab members plus some special guests at one of our evenings in July 2019!

Saying goodbye to Shafer...

Sam wanted to go to the trampoline park here in town as part of her going-away party before she headed off to the National Institutes of Health. Here are the before and after pictures. You can see that I got sweaty from all the jumping plus that dodgeball game where we defeated all those teenagers. Poor Somalisa and Chris both hurt their ankles...I guess this is why there weren't too many grown-ups jumping! :o)

Sam trampoline before

Sam trampoline after

Before Sam left, she and the other students secretly collaborated to make this wonderful and hilarious music video that she unveiled at our end-of-semester party. I was really touched!